Candy Studio

An optimistic view on life, as told by Mint.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Hehe. School's okay this time of year except for student body elections wherein you have to make a speech in front on the whole gradeschool. I don't really like delivering speeches.... Anyway, forget about that and let's go to the stargazing! Wahahaha!!! We're going stargazing on Feb. 25, for my club only! I just hope we don't see any ghosts in school since we're going to be there overnight. And on Feb. 17 & 18 it's going to be our Sports Fest. This year I'm dong athletics, track and feild. Haha! happy, happy! :)

Some other stuff:


only smile when nessacery and laugh when you

need to. You don't put on a act of strutting

around with a fake smile on just to impress

boys. Your friends are a big part of you and

you are sweet kind and smart. Great job!!!!

:) We should chat sometime!

:) WHaT kInD oF sMiLe ArE yOu? :)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your perfect guy is a complete sweet heart! he

loves you and would do anything for you and

hates seeing you cry

Whats your perfect guy like? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Good Job, Youre in Ravenclaw with Cho Chang, Luna

Lovegood, and Padma Patil. Your colors are

bronze and blue. This House is haunted by the

Grey Lady, and lead by Professor Flitwick.

Said the Sorting Hat in the first year, Well

teach those whose intelligence is surest Will

you rate?? :)

Which Hogwarts House Would You be Put in?? *with pics!*
brought to you by Quizilla

Air. You are carefree and childish. You day dream

often and you love everyone. You are often

naive, but everyone loves you. You day dream

often of wonderful far off places. You love

everyone and everyone loves you! You see the

best in everyone. You believe in true love

and you're looking for you prince charming.

What's your element?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a "Blue Angel". You're a smarter

one than most and are the more logical than

anyone you know. You also have very strong

morals that you stick to through it all and

you'd stand up for whatever you believe in

even if no one else agrees. You're a little

bit shy around people but you love to be with

lots of people anyway. You have appreciation

for things like music or poetry or art. You

yourself can sing or write fairly well but

only for yourself. You're very thoughtful and

people love how creative you are. (If you

cannot see the picture, go to my homepage and

scroll down near the bottom. I have the

results from all my quizess that have pics)

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'm Back!

Sorry, I haven't been posting in a while due to being to lazy to type... Hehe. So, I'm back! But I'm not sure if I could post every week. Not much to say now. I'll just post the rest later on today. ^^