Candy Studio

An optimistic view on life, as told by Mint.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Something's Not Right

Well, ther was no school last Friday and I was happy. Now, I really miss it. Really!!! Lastnight, it was announced that we have no school today... probably tomorrow, no school again. Life is lacking something!!!! I need something to occupy my time besides computer, t.v. and PS! It's somewhat weird that among all of my friends in school, I'm the only one who enjoys school and how we do there. And also, something's very wrong in our country at the moment. Many things are happening which are quite not right for me. But, I agree with "Nothing is perfect".... I'm mixed up....

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sports Fest

Yesterday, we had our Sports Fest in school. It was okay. But, my team lost in the first and second round, so it meant that we lost automatically and our opponents were such cheaters, but when we went to tell our P.E. teacher, she said that she can't do anything about it because she didn't see it since she was with the Grade 6 who don't know how the mechanics of kickball. They are such cheaters!!!...... Eitherway, the good thing was that my classmates won 1st place in Volleyball and 3rd place in Native Games so still happy.

I also got to see my club moderator play Volleyball with a History teacher. Which I must say was a pretty good fight... yet, after that, she played with some 5th Graders and 6th graders. And I also got to see other teachers play kickball and badminton and some other teachers just chatting with their friends and favorite students (I had to stay with them for a long time TT). We also played catch, I got hit on the head and my friends on either their stomachs or faces. There were stalls giving away free Milo and other stuff and we were stuffing ourselves with all that. Most of the time I was with my friends and sometimes being pulled away so the teachers so they could talk to me. Hehe... all I could say is, that I had so much fun and that I had a great time there!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Not Much...

Today, nothing really special happend. Just playing GBA SP, helping my sister playing with Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland, chatting with people who are online, taking tests and posting up my result here and that sort of stuff.

I think I placed too many over the past posts...:

Girl of Midnight

You are mysterious, charming and you like all what

is magical or mystical. Only light you like

is light of candles. You are probably

talented in drawing or writing or both. You

have many secrets and you like midnight with

all its charm and also moon especially


What part of day are you? (for girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

Water mage - You are the mage of water, you are

very calm and cool and very very

knowledgable, you are very versatile and can

adapt to new changes quickly,also having

control over water you can create huge tidal

waves and controll the ebbs and flows of


Which elemental mage are you ?
brought to you by Quizilla

I won't be back for a week, okay...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Bored To Death

Grabe! I'm bored to death here! I got nothing to do except my assignments(which I'm too lazy to do at the moment) and watch tv (nothing's really on).... Anyway, next week's gonna be Grade School Sports Fest. and I'm in track and field, which I realize that I really want to join kickball instead. Got nothing else to say, but to post up quizzes.

Hope you enjoy these:

You got VASH (From Trigun)!!! He never misses a

target and almost never gets hit. Although

others might think him to be tough and

ruthless, he rarely aims to kill and is a big

softy. He loves chasing good looking women

and can get emotional in sad times.

Anime Matchmaker!!! (For Girls Only) 8 Possible Results!
brought to you by Quizilla

A beautiful assassin with killer hair. So killer
infact, that you use it to defeat enemies. If I
was going to die...I suppose I'd want to do it
in your hair.

Guilty Gear X Test.
brought to you by Quizilla


You are a

Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Keith
Which Shadow Hearts Character are you? (with images)

brought to you by Quizilla

You would be a Mermaid
You would be a Mermaid. Merpeople are the rulers of

the waters. They often crash ships that enter

a forbidden areas of the oceans and seas.

These mermaids are known as Sirens. They are

very proud creatures and often pamper

themselves and brag alot. They are very

protective over their young and elders.

Anyone who hurts either age are usual drowned

or dragged underwater and stabbed.

What would you be in a fantasy world? Girlys only! (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your beauty lies in Wisdom. Very intelligent

and wise. You know how to solve the hardships

that you experience. No matter the question,

you know your facts and you strive to learn

what is needed, and beyond, to excel in your

future carrer. Smart you are with money and

friends. Your wisdom helps others and it

gives you friends that are worth more than

anything, but this intelligence can also

bring in the stragglers that think you can do

their work for them. But you should know who

intend to do that...right?

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? --Girls Only--AMAZING anime pics and VERY DETAILED results
brought to you by Quizilla

I'll come back later.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

No School!!!

YAY! No school tomorrow! It's fun being in a Catholic school! :D

For you guys to enjoy:


you are carefree and open minded and love your
friends dearly, you live life to the full and
love to listen in on others, you are smart but
also a bit misunderstood, but an all round
great person

what were you in your past life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Shigure (Year of the Dog)

Which Fruits Basket character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tanto Weilder
Your personality is best represented by the
Japanese dagger, called a Tanto. A person who
wields a Tanto knows better than anyone that
you cant judge on appearance alone. You have
the unique ability to see the full potential in
people and objects long before anyone else has
a clue. You are clever and are probably
underestimated a lot by others, but YOU know
who you are and exactly what you are capable

What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I shall post somemore soon! ;D

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Another Thing...

Hehe... this week I won 2nd place in our Computer Ed. quizbee and got a cheap spiral notebook as a prize, but anyway, I got it. And first place, one of my baka saru classmates who got a mug. 3rd place, just the glue thing, the ones that little kids use complete with happy prints on it! But, I'm still happy that I won even if it was just the 2nd place. And this month, I'm guarding in the classroom areas with the other class presidents and barangayette officers.

Other stuff for you guys to enjoy:

your a Angel

Which kind of mythical girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

your soul is ....... Orange! you love to help

people and take charge. you might even end up

being a nurse. you also have a kind soul.

very classic. Go You!

.:What color is your soul?:.(I worked really hard on this!)Edited!
brought to you by Quizilla

The students loves you!^^
You are a young person with a young soul, students

will like you for this. This is also because

you might understand the student's feelings

and knows what's the best for them. You are

sometimes treated as a friend rather than a

teacher, but still students has respect on

You are a understandable person, so if a student

has any problems, they can discuss it with

you. And if they have done something wrong,

you will ask for a good explanation. You will

be a very good teacher^^

If you were a teacher, would students like you?
brought to you by Quizilla

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I shall return!