Candy Studio

An optimistic view on life, as told by Mint.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Election News:

I lost as president of the class. But it's okay. ^^
Now, I'm the president of my club. Yay!

Okay... what else happened?....
Well, my cousin came back from the States and I finally have the PSP, some stuff for it and some stuff for kikayness !!! My older sister got a laptop and an Ipod, my little sister got new cartadges for her SP and my little brother got new clothes.

Also, in school, the teachers bombed us with lots of projects and group works which are due by the end of the month. Tons of homework as far as the eye could see(on your desk). XD

My friend has been absent for more than 2 weeks because of influenza so she's stuck in the hospital for a while. My other friend who was like my bestfriend last year is still missing. T_T

Exams are near: Aug. 14-16

That's it... For now.... *thunder and lightning everywhere*


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